Daisy’s life here at the sanctuary began in September 2020. It started with us receiving a call from a dog walker, who whilst out with her dog had heard the faint noise of kittens crying. After some searching she found two very small kittens that were cold and frightened and were not in a safe area. Of course, we advised her to bring them to the sanctuary immediately.
The two kittens were indeed cold, hungry and dehydrated but were instantly a very attractive pair. They were both Manx and we named the white girl Daisy and the Tabby boy, Thomas and they were only a few days old. We had to bottle feed the pair and during the next couple of weeks they were looking a lot better and we could see they were very cheeky characters. Thomas was always the strongest kitten of the pair, however, one day we noticed he wasn’t well and very suddenly, he had become flat and lethargic. He had developed Peritonitis and passed away. It was evident that Daisy missed Thomas for the days that followed but she was becoming a strong kitten and so we introduced her to Olive, another of the sanctuary’s characters who was a similar age.
Olive was very good with Daisy and definitely helped her through her time as a kitten. They would play, sleep together and eat together, with Olive just letting Daisy know every now and then who was in charge! Following all of this, Daisy has had a very trouble-free time and now really enjoys the outdoors roaming around the pond area . She has turned into the character that we saw was in her during her early days, she is extremely pretty and very willful.